Enabling The Data Driven Organization

Our Mission

While technology is a critical component of digital transformation, it's only one piece of the puzzle. To truly succeed in the digital age, organizations must recognize the importance of culture and invest in shaping it to align with their digital goals.

At BrainMovers, we're here to guide you on this essential journey toward a more innovative, agile, and digitally savvy data driven organization.


Making culture manageable

Creating a data-driven culture can seem daunting, but our approach focuses on making it manageable and achievable. We break down the transformation into clear, manageable steps, aligning them with your specific business goals. Through realistic planning, we ensure that data initiatives remain practical and effective. 

We provide customized training and support to equip your teams with the skills and confidence needed to work with data effectively. Moreover, our continuous monitoring and feedback loops allow for adjustments, ensuring that the transformation remains on track and manageable. By simplifying the process and maintaining a strong emphasis on your unique needs, we empower your organization to embrace data-driven practices systematically.



Need inspiration?

We hope to inspire you by sharing results and learnings of our projects, together with more theoretical articles on data culture. These stories serve as inspiration, demonstrating the learnings and business value of such a transformation.

Our articles provide valuable insights, best practices, and actionable tips, helping you navigate the complexities of fostering a data-driven culture.
By combining inspiration with practical guidance, we empower your organization to embark on its data-driven journey with confidence, turning aspirations into reality and driving meaningful change.




Your Guide and Chief Data Culture

Michiel Croon

Michiel Croon

Role Consultant, speaker and writer

About Michiel Croon is an experienced professional with a background in economic psychology and change management. With over three decades of experience, he has been working for various large organizations by harnessing the power of data. Michiel's unique blend of expertise in economic & organizational psychology, and change management makes him a valuable data driven advisor.. His passion for understanding organizations, people, and psychology drives his success in fostering data-driven cultures. Beyond the corporate world, Michiel is an avid recreational pilot, a passion that mirrors his love for dashboards, where precision and control take flight.